Education Savings Plan

Prepare the path to higher education in the best conditions for your child

The education savings plan is an efficient way to build a capital for your child from an early age in order to give them the best conditions to pursue higher education.

With the Education savings plan, you can :

  • Choose the savings period which suits you: monthly or bimonthly
  • Progressively build up a capital over a minimum period of 36 months
  • Fund the first two years of your child’s degree, with the fruit of your savings in the form of a monthly scholarship
  • Take out a loan at a preferential rate to continue the first degree or go on to graduate school, for an amount of up to twice the capital saved
  • Enjoy a repayment period of up to 7 years with a 2-year grace period

The education savings plan gives you access to advantageous interest rates, the interests served on the capital built are tax exempt for up to 5,000 TND


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